Attendance Myth vs. Fact
MYTH: It is “ok” to miss school up to 5 days unexcused per semester because my child will not FA.
FACT: You may not FA (Fail due to Attendance); however, if your child is under 17, missing those 5 days unexcused to school will place them on an AIP (Attendance Intervention Plan) and they will be considered Truant. Continued unexcused absences after that may result in court ordered attendance. In addition to the missed school work and negative consequence to your child’s grade.
MYTH: My child was absent from school. I called the school or wrote a note, so this excuses the absence.
FACT: Parent notes or phone calls actually count as unexcused absences and are coded UEPN. Only medical, court, religious or funeral notices submitted within 3 days of the absence will change the absence to excused.
MYTH: My child is not missing all day just fourth block because I need to sign them out early.
FACT: Early release requests must be made in writing by the parent or guardian and include a contact phone number. The request must be turned into the Attendance Clerk by 8:20 am, so it can be confirmed by the office. To limit class disruptions no early dismissals are allowed from 3:00-3:30 p.m. without an early release slip issued prior by the office. Early release is considered unexcused unless lawful documentation is returned to school within 3 days of the absence.
MYTH: Being tardy to school does not affect attendance.
FACT: Tardiness is a component of your child’s attendance and excessive tardiness is noted as a Truancy Violation. Tardiness also has disciplinary consequences; including, parent conference, suspension and expulsion.
MYTH: When is a tardy is a tardy and an absence is an absence?
FACT: If a child misses more than fifty percent of a class, it is coded as an absence. Less than fifty percent is a tardy.
MYTH: I just got my child’s report card and he/she has Failed due to Attendance all their classes. I did not know because the school never notified me.
FACT: As a parent, you have 24/7 access to your child’s attendance and grades through your Power School Parent Portal. Contact the Data Quality Clerk if you need log in assistance. Also, the school sends emails, mail outs and daily call outs regarding unexcused absences. If your number or address changes, please let us know. You can also email Mr. Rutenberg ( for copy of the attendance or to schedule a meeting.
MYTH: My child is going to be transferring to a different school, so their attendance won’t count if we don’t return.
FACT: If your child is transferring from MBHS, you will need to see the Guidance Registrar and fill out a withdraw form. Otherwise, after ten consecutive unexcused absences your child will be dropped for non-attendance which does not reflect well on their transcript.
MYTH: I was contacted by the school for an AIP meeting. Can I reschedule?
FACT: Parents are highly encouraged to attend a schedule AIP meeting with Mr. Rutenberg. Please email Mr. Rutenberg to reschedule.