Visitors & Guests to MBHS
We enjoy having our community members visit the school, and we hope to see you often, but we ask that for safety reasons you follow these guidelines when visiting Myrtle Beach High School.
ALL VISITORS MUST REPORT TO THE OFFICE before going to any area within the building. Visitors will enter through our Weapons Detection system and be subject to a bag search prior to accessing our main office lobby.
- Visitors must sign-in and be issued a visitor's pass.
- You must have your driver's license to receive a pass.
Any extended visit must be planned in advance with the Principal.
We request that visitors to our building refrain from visiting any classrooms during the school day in order to ensure minimal disruptions to classroom instruction, unless an appointment has been made in advance and your classroom visit has been approved by the Principal.
If you would like to have a conference with a teacher or administrator, please call the school for an appointment.
Younger children, friends, recent graduates, and students from other schools must also follow these visitor guidelines prior to entering the building.